Regenerative Skincare
A skincare line formulated to nourish our skin, our communities, and the ecosystem we are a part of.
The skin is our largest organ, and we believe anything we put on our bodies should as safely be put in our mouths.
Turning to our regional flora and fauna for inspiration, we developed our uniquely nourishing moisturizer from regeneratively pastured tallow, organic hempseed oil, and a blend of carefully selected botanicals.
Taking care of your skin doesn’t need to be complicated.
Skin needs nourishment just like the rest of your body, and grass-fed tallow nourishes your skin at the cellular level. Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A, D, K, and E, it reduces inflammation, the appearance of fine lines, and boosts the production of collagen, restoring the skin from the inside out and promoting a youthful radiance.

Our Ingredients
Well-known hero skincare complexes like allantoin, geraniol, and linalool, are naturally present in our product through our direct infusion with a unique selection of organically grown herbs and berries. Our process of directly infusing whole herbs results in a deliciously fragrant, balanced, and nourishing skincare product that is powerful enough for your toughest skincare issues and gentle enough for a baby’s bottom.
In addition to being a powerhouse of antioxidants and essential vitamins, our regeneratively sourced, grass-fed tallow contains the same lipids found in healthy human skin, allowing it to absorb easily and penetrate deeply. Lipids are found in abundance in the membrane of every cell in our bodies, and they create a protective yet permeable barrier that prevents infection and maintains moisture, flexibility, and structure of the cell.
High in omega acids 3, 6, and 9, hemp seed oil helps to repair the skin, lowers inflammation and soothes irritation. With a comedogenic factor of zero, hemp seed oil helps nourish, hydrate, and protect without clogging the pores. Organic hemp production is an important part of the regenerative agriculture movement, and our cold-pressed, USDA-certified organic hemp seed oil is sourced from a regenerative farm in nearby Kentucky.